Design Patterns

Design patterns may be said as a set of probable solutions for a particular problem which is tested to work best in certain situations.

Creational Patterns

These patterns deals mainly with creation of objects and classes.

Factory Method

Factory method design pattern abstract the process of object creation and allows the object to be created at run-time when it is required.

using System;

namespace FactoryPatternDemo
    // 'IProduct' Interface
    interface IFactory {
        void details();

    // 'ConcreteProduct' class
    class PermanentEmployee : IFactory
        public void details()
            Console.WriteLine("This is permanent employee type object");
    // 'ConcreteProduct' class
    class TemporaryEmployee : IFactory
        public void details()
            Console.WriteLine("This is Temporary employee type object");
    // 'Creator' abstract class
    abstract class EmployeeFactory
        public abstract IFactory Factory(string employeeType);
    // 'ConcrteCreator' class
    class ConcreteEmployeeFactory : EmployeeFactory
        public override IFactory Factory(string employeeType)
            switch (employeeType)
                case "PermanentEmployee":
                    return new PermanentEmployee();
                case "TemporaryEmployee":
                    return new TemporaryEmployee();
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("This type of employee can not be created"));

    // factory method design pattern demo
    // calling class/ client
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            EmployeeFactory EmployeeFactory = new ConcreteEmployeeFactory();

            IFactory permanentEmployee = EmployeeFactory.Factory("PermanentEmployee");

            IFactory TemporaryEmployee = EmployeeFactory.Factory("TemporaryEmployee");


Singleton Method

Structural Patterns

These patterns deals with Class and Object Composition.

Behavioural Patterns

These mainly deals with Class - Object communication.